An astonishing discovery
Plot, plot, plot. Of course I read for plot. Who doesn't? All I'm saying is, I do recognize that there can be more to a book than just plot. I will probably pick up The Plot Against America again some time. I'm sure it's a great book. Maybe it was just bad timing. Have you ever had it happen that you don't like a perfectly good book just because it clashes with the book you just finished? I might have liked Kite Runner if I hadn't just read Atonement, for example. Anyway, enough of that. Movin' right along . . . .
I made an astonishing -- astonishing! -- discovery yesterday. I can't stop grinning over this. Last month's book group selection was The Beak of the Finch by Jonathan Weiner. I absolutely loved this book, even though I only read half of it. If you think evolutionary theory is the most beautiful thing ever, and if Darwin happens to be your personal hero, you will love, love, love this book. And if you also happen to be an absolute sucker for scientists who spend months and months on a desert island measuring millimeter differences in the size of finch beaks, well, you will love this book even more. This book was selected for our "community reads" program, and the actual scientists are giving a talk right here in town tomorrow evening. I am so there!
Anyway, my discovery. Yesterday afternoon as I was whipping through the last bit of the book my eye happened to light upon a quote by Darwin. Sez he: ". . . I cannot admit that man's rudimentary mammae, bladder drained as if he went on all four legs, and pug-nose were designed." Isn't this EXACTLY what I've been saying? And even threatening to make a bumper sticker out of? If we're so intelligently designed, why do men have nipples? And Darwin said. The. Exact. Same. Thing. Ok, he called them rudimentary mammae, but still. Pride goeth before a fall, I know, but I'm just so chuffed that Charles Darwin and I independently arrived at the same exact thought. Wow.
I made an astonishing -- astonishing! -- discovery yesterday. I can't stop grinning over this. Last month's book group selection was The Beak of the Finch by Jonathan Weiner. I absolutely loved this book, even though I only read half of it. If you think evolutionary theory is the most beautiful thing ever, and if Darwin happens to be your personal hero, you will love, love, love this book. And if you also happen to be an absolute sucker for scientists who spend months and months on a desert island measuring millimeter differences in the size of finch beaks, well, you will love this book even more. This book was selected for our "community reads" program, and the actual scientists are giving a talk right here in town tomorrow evening. I am so there!
Anyway, my discovery. Yesterday afternoon as I was whipping through the last bit of the book my eye happened to light upon a quote by Darwin. Sez he: ". . . I cannot admit that man's rudimentary mammae, bladder drained as if he went on all four legs, and pug-nose were designed." Isn't this EXACTLY what I've been saying? And even threatening to make a bumper sticker out of? If we're so intelligently designed, why do men have nipples? And Darwin said. The. Exact. Same. Thing. Ok, he called them rudimentary mammae, but still. Pride goeth before a fall, I know, but I'm just so chuffed that Charles Darwin and I independently arrived at the same exact thought. Wow.
I read the Kite Runner before Atonement and it didn't help. In fact, reading Atonement just made me realise why exactly I didn't like the Kite Runner.
I love the Darwin quote!
posted by
Lucy on 2:15 PM
How refreshing to hear from someone who thinks highly of Darwin.
posted by
Quillhill on 7:36 PM
Thanks for the heads up on The Beak of the Finch-- it sounds like something I'd love. And my beef is why exactly is there a problem reconciling religion and science? Darwin's theory WORKS, we can see it in action all around us. So what's the big deal? Where's the conflict? Religious literalism drives me nuts, because it seems to be entirely missing the point.
posted by
martha on 11:55 AM
I agree with Martha, there. It bugs me SO MUCH when religious people argue with science . . . as if a supreme being would be incapable of creating evolution. Evolution is obvious and fascinating and marvelous. To me, that speaks for encompassing design (I know you probably don't agree with me . . . )
posted by
Anonymous on 5:09 PM
I like Darwin. He's so sensible.
posted by
Anonymous on 5:32 PM
Your book club sounds so much more interesting than mine. I have been toying with picking up Beak of the Finch. If you made that bumper sticker, I would so buy it!
posted by
Anonymous on 9:04 PM
Try telling a bunch of college men (and I use the term loosely) that men have nipples because in utero, we're all the same (actually, basic "female structures") and ovaries and testicles have the same original tissue. That's fun. Even in this day and age, they get all riled up about "But the Bible says Eve was made from Adam's rib." Right. Exactly.
posted by
Teacher lady on 12:04 PM
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